Category Archives: Training

TIF Presentations Viewed 44,000+ Times!

Presentation views We upload all the TIF presentations to These presentations have been viewed over 44,000 times!

The champ is the two presentations on the 27th ward which were viewed a total 4,292 times.Thar works out to something like 10 views every day since they were uploaded.

So – if you are one of the people whose viewed these presentations and found them valuable – PLEASE support our work by (1) signing our email list at, (2) consider renting a desk with us (we’re in Chicago’s West Loop), and (3) making a deducible contribution via our fiscal agent, the Investigative News Network – Contact Tom Tresser at

Chicago Reader Cites Work of TIF Project

Reader_pix-8-27-14 Thanks to tireless TIF reporter Ben Joravsky of The Chicago Reader for this wonderful piece. He connects the dots from the supposed state of Chicago’s finances to the plight of our public schools and the tens of millions, nay, hundreds of millions of property tax dollars, we shower on major corporations.

None of this work would’ve been possible without the hundreds of hours contributed by our all volunteer team of coders, map makers, graphic designers, researchers and community organizers who – collectively – have now Illuminated 127 TIFs across 29 wards. The full record of these forums are here. If you want YOUR ward Illuminated, contact us at

When we Illuminate a ward we tell you: (1) overview of how TIFs work in Chicago, (2) how many TIFs in the ward, (3) best estimate of how much $ those TIFs took from your ward, (4) how much money left in TIF accounts FROM your ward, (5) who got paid from TIFs in your ward. We even provide a nifty graphic map that lays all this out in a super clear manner. No one else can tell you all this!

39th Ward Illuminated

Lord, it was HOT inside the Belding School auditorium tonight! And it just got HOTTER after the five TIFs of the 39th were Illuminated. Alderman Laurino was a no-show, No surprise. View all the TIF Illuminations here. Sign the petition to the Mayor – Empty The TIFs!. Read coverage from Progress Illinois.

152 TIFs Illuminated!

I gave an update to a group of TIF Illumination Project organizers today at the CivicLab.

The TIF illumination Project was launched in February and six months later we’ve Illuminated 152 TIFs across 26 wards! The map hows the territory we’ve covered (Wards outlined in red received their own Illumination town forum, wards outlined blue were Illuminated together in two separate meetings). Over 1,500 people have attended these meetings.

Here is the presentation given to the group of folks who have or who are organizing TIF Town Meetings.

Aldermen Attend 33rd Ward Illumination, Sign Check!

SRO-Aug_8It was a packed house at the 33rd Ward TIF Illumination on August 8, 2013! Over 120 people filled the community room at the Christ Lutheran Church in Albany Park to learn the details of the four TIFs in their ward. Aldermen Deb Mell and Ray Colon attended the full meeting and heard from parents and school children on the devastating impacts of the recently announced school cuts on their lives. They Aldermen were asked to pledge to take the $1.7 billion from the TIF accounts and send that money to the units of government that should’ve received those funds in the first place. They did so. Then they were asked to sign a giant check for $850,000,000 – the public’s share of that money. They did so!

The meeting was organized by The Albany Park Neighborhood Council.

Review the presentation by Tom Tresser here.


Add your voice to the demand that the Mayor empty the TIF accounts and put that money to work for the people by signing this petition.