Thanks to the great people at Shelterforce for this thorough and thoughtful piece covering TIFs and the organizing and engagement work of the TIF Illumination Project.
Category Archives: Training

Watch the Video – “Grassroots Campaigning 101”
Hey, want to help stop a Right Wing White Supremacist Plutocracy from taking over America and completely pulverizing safety nets, public education, civil liberties, and other good stuff? The only solution is that people who stand for justice, peace, opportunity, and equity MUST run for local office and then GOVERN. Learn how to start down this path (or help others to do so) at our “Grassroots Campaigning 101” workshop. We had two amazing guests visit and drop knowledge – master campaigner Rebecca Reynolds Williams and Founder/CEO of My Block My Hood My City, Jahmal Cole. Click the image below to watch the video (1 hr. 43 min)>>>
Connecting With i c stars Milwaukee
Zooming with the Interns of i c stars Milwaukee (Cycle 9) on 12/23. Check out his great leadership development organization at
“Civics 101” @ i c stars

I teach “Civics 101” for the awesome training and leadership development organization i c stars. The most current class, Cycle 47, sent me a wonderful set of images expressing how the class (four sessions) impacted them. I was deeply touched. Thank you. If you would like a civics workshop, please contact me at You can see the workshops I offer via the POWER Institute.
Social Justice Needs a Home – The Case for the CivicLab

“Chicagoland’s civic health is on life support.”
That was the grim assessment from the 2010 report “Chicago Civic Health Index.” The report was prepared by the McCormick Foundation and the Citizen’s Advocacy Center. “The 2010 Chicago Civic Health Index demonstrates the failure of the region to prepare its youngest citizens for their adult civic responsibilities, along with the effects of endemic political corruption and the widespread cynicism and disengagement it spawns.” Ouch.
Fast forward to 2019. How are we doing?
Not so well.
Book Time With Tom
It’s Time To “Pull Together” For Justice!
Listen to this 8 minute interview with Tom Tresser on the need for progressives to come together from across the city…
CivicLab Launches The POWER Institute

Our first workshops are on basic subjects to prepare people who are new to public life. All attendees will get a copy of “Chicago Is Not Broke. Funding the City We Deserve.”
Session #1 – Wednesday, September 13 – 7-9pm – “Chicago 101” – What are the basics for preparing to organize and win in a city dominated by the Democratic Machine for 75 years? You will learn the about the political and geographic context for Chicago politics.
Session #2 – Wednesday, October 11 – 7-9pm – “Organizing 101” – Did you know Chicago is the home of modern community organizing? Learn the basic skills and mindsets of a community change maker. This will be a highly interactive session with a lot of small group work as you build a case and work on power analysis.
Session #3 – Wednesday, November 8 – 7-9pm – “Grassroots Campaigning” – Learn the basic steps toward putting together a principled grassroots campaign for change and justice. All attendees will receive the chapter “Organizing a Campaign” from Winning Elections in the 21st Century by Dick Simpson and Betty O’Shaughnessy.
These sessions are $40/person per session. You can attend all three for $100. We will have snacks but not dinner. All attendees will receive take-away materials with resources and links to more in-depth materials.The workshops will be at the Loyola Law School, 25 E. Pearson.
You must register via EventBrite -> [or use the form below]
++ Our first full day workshop for running for local office will be on Saturday, October 14, from 10am to 4pm! Details here: ++
Participants at our first round of “101” sessions said…
o “I wish it could be more than two hours a session”
o “I was really inspired by the class and appreciate thinking about Chicago history and politics.”
o “I learned so much! Thank you!”
o “Very excited about the organization and class – learned a lot today!”
o “I loved the first session and am looking forward to learning more in the forthcoming seminars. I haven’t been able to stop talking about CivicLab with colleagues and friends.”
o “I wish the workshops were more often and closer together!”
o “More time! I would pay more :)”
Your trainers will be Jonathan Peck and Tom Tresser.