Category Archives: Tools for Change

Join Us @ Pumping Station One

CivicLab’s first hack meeting is being generously hosted by Pumping Station: One on Thursday Oct 18th, 7:00PM – 9:00PM.
Snacks, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages provided!

How can open source technology, design, and data accelerate social change and community improvement efforts? From Open 311′s city tracking system and the Grassroots Mapping of environmental impacts, to pedal powered electricity and LED banners at protests; design and technology have proven to be robust change agents.

CivicLab is entering the field with an initiative called “Hacks for Activists” (H4A). H4A seeks to build tools that solve common problems plaguing community organizers. We’re looking for activists, designers, coders, open hardware enthusiasts, and anyone with the slightest interest in technology for social change.

Here’s a few ideas we’re currently exploring but new projects are most welcome:

  • Sign Me Up: An SMS/web based tool to replace paper sign-up sheets at community organizing meetings.
  • Crowd Speaker: An application that would leverage participants’ cell phones as a collective public announcement system at rallies.

For more information and notifications about future meetings, you can contact bsugar [at], or visit our web site at

Please sign up on our Eventbrite so we can get an idea of how many to expect:

“Crowdsourcing Social Change” @ TEDxDePaul

Tom presented on “Crowdsourcing Social Change” at TEDxDePaul on October 13. You can watch the presentation deck and listen to the audio here (18 minutes). We did some crowdsourcing on the spot – asking attendees to reveal how much student debt they will have upon graduation and to share ideas for dealing with mounting and unmanageable student debt. Thanks to the folks at GoSoapBox for the use of their platform for this demonstration! Participate here.