Category Archives: Presentations

TIF Projected Highlighted at IL Conference on New Urbanism – Free download of presentations and material from 2013 conference on new ways of doing urban development. We did a piece on the TIF Illumination Project. Also great stuff on how Rockford is using creativity and the arts for economic development and Naomi Davis presenting on her vision for grassroots community development.

CNU-Conference-2013-About TIF-screen

54,774 People Can’t Be Wrong

Tom-SlideShare_2013As an educator and organizer I love to share my research and insights (such as they are). It’s gratifying to know that so many people at least took the time to graze the presentations I put online. Use the contact form to reach me if you’d like a copy of one of these presentations or if you’re interested in a presentation at your organization.

My (Brief) Vision For Chicago

Progressive_Vision-screenI was asked to give a few “now what” remarks at the end of this forum on running for office in 2015 as progressive standard bearer. Listen to these remarks (with introduction, 4 1/2 minutes).