Category Archives: Community

My (Brief) Vision For Chicago

Progressive_Vision-screenI was asked to give a few “now what” remarks at the end of this forum on running for office in 2015 as progressive standard bearer. Listen to these remarks (with introduction, 4 1/2 minutes).

Hey, Brad, Here’s An Idea – Let’s NOT Privatize Chicago

Chicago Ideas Week founder and chief honcho Brad Keywell (Groupon) ran a full page ad in today’s Chicago Tribune (my scanner isn’t big enough to get it all – this is like one third)…Rahm_head
Thing is, Brad and his wife, Kim each gave the mayor $5,300 for his re-election effort. This from his campaign’s October 2 A-1 report.

The ad gushes about Emanuel, “His vision is raising a city higher than its tallest buildings.” Really? What about the 49 school closings. The $68 million in cuts to the neighborhood schools left standing. The closing of public health clinics. The layoffs of public sector workers. The cuts in service to the CTA. The ever expanding privatization of city services – likehow we pay to get onto subways and buses and the pending shut down of city mammogram programs.

So here’s an idea for Chicago Ideas Week – throw the investment bankers out of City Hall and end the patronage, corruption and insider trading that stands for public policy here. We need MORE public, not less.

DePaul Forum On Proposed Stadium Illuminates 2nd Ward

City had HOW much in TIF accounts-webStudents as DePaul organized a public forum on the proposed DePaul Stadium and asked for an Illumination of the 17 TIFs inside the 2nd Ward – spotlighting the site and adjacent TIFs. This research is from The TIF Illumination  Project. If you want a copy of this presentation please email

The Global Cardboard Challenge Comes To CivicLab!


The CivicLab is thrilled to host the Chicago version of the Global Card Board Challenge on October 5, from1pm to 4pm.

Watch this video and YOU will want to play with us!

This is a kid’s event and is perfect way for a family to foster imagination and engaged play AND expose kids to design, science, engineering and a whole lot more. There is no charge but you must read the directions and register via EventBrite.

39th Ward Illuminated

Lord, it was HOT inside the Belding School auditorium tonight! And it just got HOTTER after the five TIFs of the 39th were Illuminated. Alderman Laurino was a no-show, No surprise. View all the TIF Illuminations here. Sign the petition to the Mayor – Empty The TIFs!. Read coverage from Progress Illinois.

152 TIFs Illuminated!

I gave an update to a group of TIF Illumination Project organizers today at the CivicLab.

The TIF illumination Project was launched in February and six months later we’ve Illuminated 152 TIFs across 26 wards! The map hows the territory we’ve covered (Wards outlined in red received their own Illumination town forum, wards outlined blue were Illuminated together in two separate meetings). Over 1,500 people have attended these meetings.

Here is the presentation given to the group of folks who have or who are organizing TIF Town Meetings.

Why TIFs Hurt Us

At least ONE of the major reasons. Because the state’s contribution to public education is so shockingly low, school districts in Illinois rely heavily on local property taxes to fund their schools. So, anything that diverts property taxes from public schools places a burden on an already under-funded public education system. Likewise, if you live in a town or city where the property tax revenues are high, your school system will be better off. From “Illinois Kids Count 2013.”Funding_IL_Public_schools-1990-2011

Sign the petition aimed at Mayor Emanuel – “Empty the TIF accounts!

Time To Illuminate The 49th! *Note Revised Date*

49th Ward_flier-webWe’re heading north on July 1 to Illuminate the four TIFs in the 49th ward. Details and RSVP via Facebook @

A special TIF treat – Chicago Reader political reporters Ben Joravsky and Mick Dumke will be featured speakers. Ben got us started in the TIF biz! CivicLab co-founder Tom Tresser produced a meeting on TIFs in Lincoln Park back in 2008 where Ben broke it all down. No, Ben won’t be appearing with former Mayor Daley. It’s just a great picture!
