In reponse to the Disaster Election, I am hoping to start a movement for “More Public!” and “Great Public!” in America. We need to celebrate, defend, and extend all things “PUBLIC” – so follow and share via BlueSky ->
Category Archives: About Tom
Fight Megaprojects – New Article in Nonprofit Quarterly
Super excited to see my account of the No Games Chicago campaign and its connection to fighting megaprojects that threaten to gobble up billions of public dollars and vast swathes of public land published today by The Nonprofit Quarterly!
Cancel Your Subscription to The Washington Post
I just cancelled my subscription to The Washington Post and sent this email to the Publisher, William Lewis:
Mr. Lewis –
I just read of the decision by the Washington Post not to endorse a candidate for President. Are you people delusional? With your mantra being “Democracy Dies in Darkness”? – what a joke. American democracy is being fundamentally threatened by Donald Trump and his captured Republican Party. Our democracy is dying right out in the open, for all to see. What is the point of a free press if it stands by and chronicles the rush to fascism, autocracy, hate-fueled politics, attacks on human and civil rights, denial of fact and science, and a full-throated embracing of Hitler and white supremacy?
That is what Trump is offering America. Under a Trump dictatorship your ability to publish will be curtailed, and you – yourself – might well be jailed if you displease the new Fuhrer. Trump has been given the powers of a king by his subservient Supreme Court and he will fully use these powers to do everything he has said repeatedly that he will do – namely use the army against us, weaponize the Justice Department against his opponents, deport tens of millions of people, and turn America into a fundamentalist oligarchy that will look more like the America of 1830 that 2025. You claim to seek and preserve independence, but your inaction will end up sacrificing your basic freedoms and mine, as well.
I am beyond frustrated with the incompetence and complicity of America’s media outlets Ito give Donald Trump a pass on his sociopathic and arguably traitorous behaviors and policies. I have canceled my subscription to the Washington Post and deleted the app from my phone and I will urge everyone I know to do the same.
If you feel the same way, let him know->
Mr. Lewis,
I cannot believe you have abandoned not only the key principle of the journalistic profession but the underlying principle of democracy in this country, or any country that pretends to democracy as well.
Oh, I have not lost interest, or perspective. I know that Mr. Orban in the Magyar state of Hungary (which aligned itself with Hitler in the early days of World War II), along with the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, and other democracy-shy nation-states not only will applaud your cowardly non-position but would comfortably abandon any recognition of what our country has done in opposing the global fascists and communists over the last century. Of course, we are far from perfect, as I have often said in my difficult and expensive campaigns. We are hardly the City On The Hill that pretenders like Reagan attempted to label us with. But we, along with most Europeans, the Canadians, the Australians, the New Zealanders, sometimes the Indians, and too few others, are still the last best hope for democracy in this world.
Hitler suppressed a free press. You surrendered it without a fight.
– Bill K
To the Cowards Who Manage the Washington Post,
You conned me. A few weeks ago, I let my subscription lapse, mainly because I was unhappy with the way your newspaper took pains to legitimize the illegitimate and dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump. I’m sure you’re sick to death of folks accusing you of “sanewashing” Trump but, hey, look in the mirror. I figured I could put my hard-earned and paltry finances into local press that truly needs the support. But you lowered your subscription price from the outrageous fee of $120 to $60. Then to $50. Then to $40. (Desperate for subscribers?) Finally, you suggested $29. There are a number of writers–mainly opinion contributors–on your staff who I respect and whose columns I enjoy reading. Among them are Eugene Robinson, Colbert I. King, Jennifer Rubin, Dana Milbank, the sublimely wicked Alexandra Petri, and more. So, I thought, I will give the Post another chance.
And then you punched me in the face. Sweet. Your billionaire genius made the decision to endorse no one for President of the United States in 2024. And his lackeys said, “Yessir! How high?” Even though he had not asked them to jump. Well, maybe through hoops. That’s power, folks. When his rocket is ready to go to Mars, please put him on it and make it a one-way trip. So, even though I can’t afford to throw $29 in the trash (do any of you remember what it’s like to feel the pain of losing $29?), I am forced to wave at you and say, “Buh-bye.”
I know you’re receiving messages right now from people who are throwing the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” slogan back in your faces. Good. Feel free to eat those words, but add salt if they’re tough going down. Or just choke on them. Either way works for me.Try this one out: “Democracy Dies in Silence.” Your silence. You hypocritical bastards.
Your reporters tell us every day (when they’re not pandering to conservatives) what life will be like under a second Trump regime. It will not be pretty. And institutions like yours will suffer as much or more than average Americans. Hope you’re ready for that. I don’t think that most people rely on endorsements from newspapers to make their political decisions. But you know what? People like me look to a lot of different sources and add up the positive and the negative. You might have made a difference in keeping the United States a democracy. But you abdicated your own influence. In the service of…what?
Ultimately, though, I’m the fool. I caved. I gave you my money. And you kicked me in the groin. I refuse to say, “Can I have some more, please?” We are going our separate ways.
With profound sadness, Mike N.
Other coverage:
Tom Talks TIFs on ABC 7 News
Get The No Games Chicago Book On Kindle!
Attend a No Games Chicago Book Event!
Join me on Wednesday, November 6 at 7:30pm at Temple Sholom Chicago where I will be talking about the book in the context of fighting mega-projects that seek massive public subsidies of land and dollars. Right now, in Chicago, three billionaire sports team owning families want to build three new stadiums and are pushing hard for up to $6 billion in public dollars to help them build these private projects! Hell, no! There is no charge, and the event will be in person plus streamed. Registration is required.
“Chicago Is Not Broke” Book Updated For 2024!
Get the book with $5 BILLION in sustainable and progress (fair) revenue solutions for Chicago! With new material upding all solutions for 2024! Get the book online via Issuu or in a printed version (2016 version) from Ingram On-Demand Publishing.
No Games Chicago Book In Hand!
Wow! I just received the hardback version of my book on the No Games Chicago campaign! What a thrill to hold it and flip through the pages. Order your copy now at and use promo code “AFLY03” to get 20% off PLUS free shipping. What a civic deal! After all, No Games saved every taxpaying adult in the city at least $1,000!
Tom’s Book on No Games Chicago Now On Sale!
I am thrilled to announced that my book on the No Games Chicago campaign from 2009 is now on sale from Routledge Press! Use this link (feel free to share widely)-> It’s a dramatic story with international intrigue, a few Davids going after many Goliaths, daring tactics, civic thuggery, attempted bribes, and a real-life spy! Although the organizing took place in 2009, the lessons learned and unlearned are striking for Chicago and the rest of the country. For one thing, three white billionaire families who each own a sports team are all angling for BILLIONS of public dollars to build new stadiums! Sound familiar? And, across the USA, another eight cities are proposing massive public subsidies for stadiums – over $10 billion for those places. The price tag for Chicago’s greedy team owners has been estimated to be at least $3 billion and perhaps DOUBLE that! Buy the book. Sign the petition demanding NO PUBLIC SUBSIDIES for stadiums.
Read my op-ed from Crain’s Chicago Business from July 29, 2024, “Let the billionaire owners pay for their teams’ stadiums themselves.”
Subscribe to “CivicNotes” and Keep Up With My Work
Get a copy of “Chicago Is Not Broke. Funding the City We Deserve” via Issuu (view on your device) for $15. Get a hard copy mailed for $20 (+shipping). Order a copy of my book on the No Games Chicago Campaign (20% discount with promo code “AFLY03”). Make a non-deductable investment in Tom’s work via PayPal.
June 2023 – Dear Civic Comrades, Neighbors, Allies, and Supporters – After ten years of working on the CivicLab, I am stepping back from operations and much of the work of the CivicLab. I will stay involved with TIF training. Health issues have caused me to scale back my activities and I will not be updating this site. If you would like to stay connected and follow my new work, research, and writing (one book coming out in mid-2024 and another in the works), please subscribe to my Substack newsletter at Thank you for all your support and interest over the years!
- My take on What Happened (Disaster Election) – Part 1. Part 2.
- My call to action for America’s progressive sector – from The Nonprofit Quarterly – What Now? It’s a call for a radical change in focus and behavior!
Tom explains TIFs and Illuminates the TIFs of Kane County and Aurora in his 225th public meeting since 2013. He was the guest of Aurora Alderman John Laesch and Working Families Auroura. They are working to stop the city of Auora from giving a billionaire casion operator $58 million in public TIF dollars! Sign the petition.