I gave these short remarks at the April 2019 NewFounders Conference in Chicago. If you agree, please follow me @tomstee!
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Abolish TIFs and New Path to Economic Development for Chicago

Check out the multiple perspectives on economic development for Chicago in the April 6, 2020 issue of Crain’s Chicago Business. I call for the abolition of TIFs and a new approach to grassroots economic development. The CEO of Sterling Bay has a different idea!
My Take On Just Economic Development

“The key to spreading prosperity, justice and opportunity across Chicago requires turning the page on old neoliberal market-based and clout-driven economic development programs. This was true long before coronavirus fallout clouded the financial picture for not just the city but the nation.
The first program that needs to bite the planning dust is tax-increment financing districts, which the rich and powerful have used to siphon billions of dollars of property tax revenues from important public needs, such as schools, parks and libraries.” Read the entire op-ed from the April 6, 2020 issue of Crain’s. If you agree with us that TIFs need to be ABOLISHED, join the campaign here.